
It’s coming on finals week at my college (May 5-12). Although the sun in shinning, there is a sort of panic around campus. People are trying to pull grades up at the last minute, write papers, and take tests. There are more people smoking outside. I hear more stories of people getting wasted then I’ve ever cared to. Sometimes it is just too late, the damage has been done, and some have failed. Sure, it’s just a class, but for some of the students, they take it harder then others do.

Failure. It paralyzes. It panics. It grabs ahold of your heart, and does not let go.

Let’s all be honest. All of us have failed at one point. I struggle with it myself. The fear of Failure definetly holds me sometimes. There are a few things that God has been teaching me that I wanted to share with you.

Failure forces us to place our full dependence on God. Without Him we can do nothing. When we fail, it is a way for us to admit our fallen nature and our great need for Him.

Without Him we are nothing. Without Him we fail at everything. Without Him, yes, we even fail at living.

Do you realise that there is a God up there who is giving you breath to breathe the next breath you breathe? (that’s a mouthful). Without Him, we are helpless.

How much do You depend on Him? I may sound repiticious, but God has been all over me for this the past few weeks. If He holds the world in place, certianally He is strong enough to hold our problems and worries.


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